CampFire Starter Rutland
Product Code: 03-0159
$ 11.09 CAD
Quantity:In Stock

The product is a single Rutland One Match® Gelled Fire Starter.


Sort: Gel
A single manufactured item. Case Quantity: 12 (packing not assured for cases)
The exceptional fire-starting gels are redefined by the Rutland One Match® Gelled Fire Starter. This dense and dependable gel sticks to any surface, guaranteeing a precise and effective ignition. The mixture burns smoothly, producing little smoke or odor, and lights without flaring up.

Advantages & Features:

Very thick, stays there wherever you squeeze it, burns without producing smoke or odor, and is waterproof and non-toxic.
Simple to Transport and Store
Note: There is no supplier warranty available for this product. Please be advised that a single purchase does not guarantee case packaging.